Thursday, February 17, 2011

Allow me to introduce myself...

Likely, the only people who would ever actually read this blog already know me, but just in case...

My name is Emily.  I am a 37 year old mom of one son (D., 10 years old next week), married to my wonderful husband (B., celebrating our 12th anniversary in July).  I am a part time engineer and like to exercise the other half of my brain in creative endeavors when I can (hence, the blog).  I have a tendency to take on too much at once (really, a blog too?), so my house is eternally in need of a dusting. 

So, "In sunshine and in shade"...I read it in a Caroline Norton poem.  The poem is actually about two lifelong friends who have had an argument and one who is trying to reconcile.  I have just always been struck by that line, though- what a beautiful way to say "the good, the bad and the ugly."  And what an apt description of every life.  Who doesn't have their moments in sunshine and in shade?  Hopefully this blog will have more of the former and less of the later...

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